Terms and Conditions

Last modified :12th April, 2024

Terms and Conditions of Use

Please read these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy carefully before using  this site. By using the website, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This site and its related services are governed by the Terms of Use stated below, and your continued access to this site and its services is subject to your agreement to be bound by such Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as they may change from time to time. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you may not use this site (the website or “Site”).

Legal Advice

Nothing on this site constitutes or should be construed to constitute, any tax or legal advice or provide any warranties. The material is for  informational purposes only with an understanding that local, state, and  federal laws and regulations may be different in various jurisdictions  or may change over time. You should consult your tax and legal professionals before engaging in any arrangements. We and our clients abide by all applicable privacy regulations, including but not limited to FTC Act and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act  (HIPAA), but no HIPAA-protected information is accessible through this website.

Interaction and Surveys

Every once in a while, our site may demand criticism or potentially data  from you through study. Cooperation in these solicitations or overviews is intentional and you have a decision whether to reveal the mentioned data, which may incorporate contact data (name and address) and segment  data. Input gathered by these overviews will be utilized for reasons for  checking or improving the utilization of this site. It is a state of your utilization of the site that all data that you give should be right, current, complete, and not misdirecting.


This site contains connections to outsider destinations for your benefit. If it’s not too much trouble, know that Synova and its members are  not answerable for any of the data, items, ads, and other substance on  these destinations, nor do Synova or its subsidiaries make any portrayals  as to such data, items, ads, and other substance or its exactness. Utilization of any connected outsider site is exclusively at your danger and we urge you to peruse the terms and states of each connected  outsider site you decide to get to, including the protection proclamations of each such site.

No Warranties or Representations

Synova makes no guarantee at all, express or suggested, including any  guarantee as to exactness, fulfillment, or idealness, concerning the data contained on or connected through this site, and you ought not to accept that such data is precise, finished, or the most forward-thinking data accessible. Synova will not be obligated for any misfortune, guarantee, or harms caused in entire or partially by its arrangement of, or your utilization of, any of the data contained on, or connected  through, this site. Synova renounces any express legal or inferred guarantees, including, without impediment, guarantees of merchantability or qualification for a specific reason.

Intellectual Property Rights

The site and its whole substance, highlights, and usefulness (counting  yet not restricted to all data, programming, text, shows, pictures, video, and sound, and the plan, choice, and course of action thereof), are possessed by Synova and are secured by the United States and worldwide copyright, brand name, patent, proprietary advantage, and other licensed innovation or exclusive rights laws. These Terms of Use grant you to  utilize the site for your own, non-business utilize as it were. You  should not imitate, circulate, adjust, make subsidiary works of, freely  show, openly perform, republish, download, store, or send any of the  material on our site, besides as follows:

  • Your PC may briefly store duplicates of such materials in RAM accidental  to your getting to and seeing those materials. You may store records  that are naturally reserved by your web program for show upgrade  purposes. You may print one duplicate of a sensible number of pages of  the site for your very own, non-business use and not for additional  multiplication, distribution, or distribution.
  • You must not: Modify duplicates of any materials from this site. Use any outlines,  photos, video or sound successions, or any illustrations independently  from the going with text. Delete or adjust any copyright, brand name, or  other exclusive rights sees from duplicates of materials from this  webpage.

Bring a change to your Healthcare Operations

A partnership with Synova gives you an inherent:

Adherence towards federal, state, and organizational compliances, as well as safeguarding patient data.

Sense of ownership and commitment towards providing value.

Focus on speed, accuracy, efficiency, and optimal outcomes.

Sense of security and transparency through periodic reporting and actionable insights.

Connect with our experts for a quick analysis and possibilities.

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